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Chang CheolWon has been intrigued by conditions that create a pattern from the proportion of geometric shapes or an irregular object/phenomenon, and has dedicated his artistic career to visualizing things beyond the realm of corporeality. Chang received his bachelor’s degree in painting from Chung-Ang University and completed an exchange program at the Fine Art department of England's Nottingham Trent University. Beginning with the solo show 'Architecture of Illusion’ in 2014, he has participated in multiple group exhibitions and was awarded by the PUBLIC ART Magazine – South Korea’s leading fine arts magazine – as well as the Seoul Art Foundation. In 2016, Chang was chosen as the third class of the Paris Lee Ungno Residence, and later in 2018, he won the 'ACCELERATE Award' from CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, European Organization for Nuclear Research) and completed the following residency at the institute. At CERN, Chang examined experiments on proton collision, particle detectors, and antimatter. The world of atoms consists all matter, and Chang aimed to deepen his study on how the atoms affect the world visible to the eyes, leading him to participate in the Artience Daejeon residency. Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), a partner of the Artience residency program, develops the technology to measure standard physical units for mass, time, energy, and on, and inspired by the photon frequency-related Planck constant, Chang developed a body of works that redefine the standard for colors.



1984 born in South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul

2008   B.F.A, Painting, Chung-Ang University, South Korea
2007   B.F.A, Fine Art, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom (Exchange full year)

Solo Exhibition
2020   Finding the Right Formation, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu

2014   Architecture of Illusion, Gallery Absinthe, Seoul


2020   Disaster and Time, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul

2019   The Light and Time through a Caption, PLACEMAK, Seoul

Group Exhibitions

2023   Summer at Vaux-sur-Seine, Lee Ungno Museum, Daejeon

2023   Future of Humanity, ILD, Seoul

2023   Configuration of Matter and Energy, SoolSool Center, Seoul

2022   Nextcode, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon

2021   Space & Museum, LeeKangha Art Museum, Gwangju

2020   Flexible Boundary, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu

2020   Happiness Finds Me, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul

2019   Geometry-beyond Simplicity, Museum SAN, Wonju

2018   Artience Daejeon, Daejeon Culture and Arts Foundation, Daejeon

2017   2nd New Drawing Project, Chang Ucchin Museum, Yangju

2016   Paris Lee Ungno Residence Report, Lee Ungno Museum, Daejeon

2016   PASSAGE_PASS-AGE, 14 Route de Pontoise, Vaux-sur-Seine(France)

2015   The First, Seoul Art Foundation, Seoul

2014   Geometric Reality and Fundamental Space, Space D'or, Seoul

2014   Korea Tomorrow, Dongdaemoon Design Plaza, Seoul

2014   NEW HERO, Bluesquare Nemo, Seoul

2013   SEOULSQUARE Art Festival, Seoulsquare, Seoul

2017   Accelerate Award in Arts@CERN × ARKO
2015   Seoul Art Foundation
2014   PUBLIC ART Magazine in Korea

2020   Daegu Art Factory, Daegu

2018   Artience Daejeon, Daejeon
2018   CERN, Geneva(Switzerland)
2016   Paris Lee Ungno Residence, Paris(France)


Chang Ucchin Museum
Lee Ungno Museum

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